ü USB to 2 Port Straight-Through RS232 Serial Adapter |
ü Лесна инсталација Plug-and-Play |
ü Bus powered, no external power adapter required |
ü Fully compliant with USB 1.1 specifications |
ü Simple installation and operation provides robust serial connectivity to legacy PCs |
ü Drawing power from the USB bus saves the hassle of carrying an external power adapter for this add-on serial port |
ü Extensive list of compatible operating systems makes this device perfect for almost any RS232 application |
ü USB to 2 Port Straight-Through RS232 Serial Adapter |
ü Лесна инсталација Plug-and-Play |
ü Bus powered, no external power adapter required |
ü Fully compliant with USB 1.1 specifications |
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П. Може ли да имам сопствено пакување?
П. Дали го прифаќате ОДМ? |