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USB C на USB C Интелигентен фотографски кабел за поврзување

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Are you currently fed up with utilizing cumbersome and unreliable photography cables when it comes to professional photography sessions? Search no further than USB C to USB C Intelligent Photography Tether Cable.


This tether cable provides efficient and dependable connectivity betwixt your digital camera and computer by having a sleek and contemporary design. It was created specifically for expert photographers whom need a stable and efficient communication whenever catching and modifying their pictures.


It was made with top-quality materials, ensuring durability even with constant usage. Moreover, it was made with smart technology that stops overcharging and voltage surges, guaranteeing the security of one's products through the transfer procedure.


This tether cable was designed with a reversible USB-C connector rendering it simple to connect in both edges. This cable will help to make sure that your computer data is moved quickly and effortlessly, allowing you to modify your pictures with reduced downtime having a transfer rate as high as 10 gbps.


Additionally, our USB C to USB C Intelligent Photography Tether Cable was made by having a period of 3.3ft, supplying the freedom you'll need for the photography jobs. It is also suited to different digital camera such as Canon, Nikon, and Sony, rendering it the ideal fit for any professional photographer's gear.

TetherPro USB-C to USB-C Cable




USB Type-C Male to USB Type-C Male Cable, you can connect a camera, smartphone, or other USB Type-C device to a computer, for the purposes of transferring data. 





  • This cable supports USB 3.0 for data transfer rates of up to 5 Gb/s.

  • To help enhance performance, this cable is fully shielded and plated to help minimize signal interference. 


TetherPro USB-C to USB-C
The TetherPro USB-C to USB-C cable allows you to connect your USB-C camera directly to your USB-C port on your computer. No adapters or dongles necessary. USB-C is the latest technology available for the fastest and most reliable transfers.

Streamline Your USB-C Connection
The TetherPro USB-C to USB-C cable is the photographer's choice for tethering a USB-C camera to a computer with USB-C ports. It allows for a straight connection with no adapters or dongles. USB-C is also fully reversible, so no matter how you plug it in, it's always right side up.










USB C to USB C Intelligent Photography Tether Cable manufacture

USB кон TTL кабел со вградена електроника, LED диоди, 5V/450mA, жица


Premier Cable Co. е водечки производител на кабли, жичани појаси и потсклопови во широк спектар на индустрии кои исполнуваат различни светски стандарди со 400 вработени. Силно веруваме дека квалитетот е единствениот начин да се преживее. За да обезбедиме ефикасни и ефективни квалитетни имплементации, ние постојано го подобруваме нашиот систем за управување со квалитет и имаме строга контрола на квалитетот во секој производствен процес. Ова има за цел да гарантира дека нашите производи ги исполнуваат или надминуваат барањата на клиентите. Ние исто така правиме прилагодени кабли за да ги задоволиме потребите на нашите клиенти.

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