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Приклучок за преграда преку USB 3.0

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Приклучок за преграда преку USB 3.0

Suitable for wall plugs and rack mounting, this XLR Format USB adapter is a valuable tool in connecting custom configurations that use standard cabling and is commonly used in digital recording studios and network racking.


Features & Benifits

Fits a standard XLR cutout
Can be mounted from front or back
Low rear profile ensures space saving
Matt black finish frame


D Shape USB 3.0 2.jpgD Shape USB 3.0 3.jpgD Shape USB 3.0 4.jpg

Premier Cable Co. е водечки производител на кабли, жичани појаси и потсклопови во широк спектар на индустрии кои исполнуваат различни светски стандарди со 400 вработени. Силно веруваме дека квалитетот е единствениот начин да се преживее. За да обезбедиме ефикасни и ефективни квалитетни имплементации, ние постојано го подобруваме нашиот систем за управување со квалитет и имаме строга контрола на квалитетот во секој производствен процес. Ова има за цел да гарантира дека нашите производи ги исполнуваат или надминуваат барањата на клиентите. Ние исто така правиме прилагодени кабли за да ги задоволиме потребите на нашите клиенти.

Ние ги опслужуваме следните индустрии со нашите кабли:


 Voice Data Wireless Industrial
 Медицинска безбедност електроника Телеком
 Gaming Aerospace Military Aeronautics


Премиер кабел

The brand is proud to present the USB 3.0 Feedthrough Bulkhead Connector a device that provides quick and reliable connectivity for devices that require USB 3.0 data transfer speeds. This connector is built with durability and longevity in mind, making it ideal for commercial and industrial applications.

The connector permits simple installation with reduced effort, reducing the right time and cost committed to setting up your Премиер кабел USB 3.0 products. with this particular connector, you can pass your USB 3.0 cable through any panel or enclosure without damaging the cable or the enclosures. This helps to maintains the integrity of the enclosure and guarantees security, preventing any harms to the device installed inside.

Many thanks to its sturdy construction, the USB 3.0 Feedthrough Bulkhead Connector can withstand rugged environments, including climate is tough and extreme temperatures, the connector was created to prevent moisture and dusts from getting inside, reducing the probability of harms or corrosion. This helps it be ideal for outdoor and applications being industrial require dependable connectivity.

Built to surpass industry requirements and is backward suitable for USB 2.0 and 1.1. It comes with a corrosion-resistant steel is stainless that safeguards it from harsh weather and corrosion. Additionally, the connector features gold-plated connectors that ensure excellent conductivity, reducing alert losses and reliability is increasing.

Saves you money and time in addition to its dependable connectivity. Due to the plug-and-play design, it eliminates the necessity for additional drivers and software making it easy to integrate into your present system. Its design can be easy to wash, which makes it convenient for regular upkeeps.

Purchase the Premier Cable USB 3.0 Feedthrough Bulkhead Connector today and enjoy quick and reliable connectivity for your USB 3.0 devices.
