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CAN BUS DeviceNet кабел

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Адаптер за завршување за CAN и CAN FD

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120 Ohm bus termination for High-Speed CAN systems 
  • Interface: DB9 male connector

  • Пол: Женски

  • RT between pin 2 and 7


ISO 11898-2 defines a high-speed closed-loop CAN communication standard with a communication rate of 125Kbps to 1Mbps. When the communication bus length is less than or equal to 40 meters, the maximum communication rate can reach 1Mbps

CAN Termination Socket DB9.jpghigh-speed CAN termination.jpg

PEmier Cable Co. е водечки производител на кабли, жичани појаси и потсклопови во широк спектар на индустрии кои исполнуваат различни светски стандарди со 400 вработени. Силно веруваме дека квалитетот е единствениот начин да се преживее. За да обезбедиме ефикасни и ефективни квалитетни имплементации, ние постојано го подобруваме нашиот систем за управување со квалитет и имаме строга контрола на квалитетот во секој производствен процес. Ова има за цел да гарантира дека нашите производи ги исполнуваат или надминуваат барањата на клиентите. Ние исто така правиме прилагодени кабли за да ги задоволиме потребите на нашите клиенти.

Ние ги опслужуваме следните индустрии со нашите кабли:


 Voice Data Wireless Industrial
 Медицинска безбедност електроника Телеком
 Gaming Aerospace Military Aeronautics

Premier Cable presents its latest innovation, the Termination Adapter for CAN and CAN FD, created to supply a dependable and efficient solution in terminating communication networks. Our Termination Adapter is the perfect accessory for car mechanics, and anyone dealing with CAN and CAN FD systems.


Fashioned with high-quality materials and advanced technology, this guarantees dependable performance and long-lasting durability. It is the ideal device for anybody who requires to a chieve dependable communication on their system. Our Termination Adapter is the most wonderful item for you if you are working on a vehicle whether it is an uncomplicated device that utilizes CAN or CAN FD.


What sets our Termination apart Adapter for CAN and CAN FD from competing services and products is its user-friendly design and simplicity of use. With a simple plug-and-play, installation is quick and effortless. You don't need to have any technical expertise installing it. You can already use it right after you put it up, adding a fancy interaction efficient your network.


This was engineered to work seamlessly on CAN and CAN FD networks. Its compact design makes it effortless to take with you and make use wherever you choose to go. It is versatile and can be used in several applications, making it the go-to answer for a reliable network termination in several companies. It is perfect for applications that want a reliable network that can communicate faster and have a greater bandwidth.


The Premier Cable Termination Adapter for CAN and CAN FD was reasonably priced despite its superior quality and gratification. It is an enhance remedy for economical termination, increase system reliability, and lower community downtime. Its cost helps not only to be accessible but also to be a perfect investment for professionals who frequently work with the automotive industry and in almost any companies that want communication systems.
