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CAN BUS DeviceNet кабел

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Блокови за спојување на интерфејсот на сензорскиот трансдуцер

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Профил на компанијата
нашата фабрика
Основана во Донг Гуан во 2003 година, Premier Cable поседува околу 350 работници, на површина од 9000 ㎡

Наш производ
Нашиот производ опфаќа AISG кабел, аудио кабел, видео кабел, кабел за поврзување со камера, FTDI кабел, IP67 кабел, кабел за монтирање на панел, USB кабел

Примена на производот
Телекомуникациски Индустриски - Електроника - Глас - Податоци - Безжична

Опремата за производство
Високофреквентна машина за заварување, USB автоматско заварување, USB3.1 Haba машина за заварување, машина за ласерско заварување, машина за ласерско сечење, тестер за циклус на температура и влажност, тестер за прскање сол, SGS машина за тестирање, тестер на сила за вметнување конектор, мрежен анализатор, IP67 водоотпорен тестер.

нашите услуги
Premier Cable ги зема технолошките иновации како развојен концепт и нагласува „Квалитетот на прво место, супер услугата“ како задоволство на клиентите. Во исто време, учиме и од одличните претпријатија во оваа индустрија, ја проучуваме нивната сила и ги подобруваме нашите слабости, бараме развој во конкуренција и бараме можности во предизвиците.
Опис на производот
Junction blocks connect sensors and actuators to the controller. They are especially well-suited for harsh conditions and are ideal when coolants and lubricants are used. Their fully encapsulated housing offers a high degree of protection and an outstanding resistance to shock and vibrations.

The pre-wired IP67-sealed compact ruggedized MPIS boxes dual-wired M12 passive signal MPIS boxes save space by offering the possibility to connect 2 sensors per port; a 4-port M12 dual-wired box can connect 8 sensors without increasing the size of the housing.
Sensor Transducer Interface Junction Blocks manufacture
Sensor Transducer Interface Junction Blocks supplier
Sensor Transducer Interface Junction Blocks factory
Место на потекло
Гуангдонг, Кина
Име на производот
Eurofast Junction Box M12 Connector
Трговски марки
Начин на плаќање
T / T

Premier Cable's Sensor Transducer Interface Junction Blocks is an exceptional and versatile accessory to any system which requires energy processing signal. These junction obstructs provide an ideal solution to numerous commercial applications, including industrial automation, instrumentation, and control systems, especially for those exposed to harsh environments.


These Sensors offer selection of interfaces to link multiple sensors and transducers through the voltage, current, resistance, and frequency. Additionally they have customizable production and channel inputs that enable accurate signal and circulation. These features are suitable for many applications, including aerospace, protection, gas and oil, medical products, and more.


One of the top features of this is its rugged construction that means they are resistant to the effect of harsh ecological conditions. They are made of top-notch materials that can withstand a selection of temperatures, humidity, vibrations, and corrosive chemical substances. This makes them extremely dependable and durable, making sure they deliver consistent performance even in many challenging conditions that are.


It is an easy-to-use program that simplifies the installation and configuration procedure. Users can easily access the various setting controls through an uncomplicated and easy to understant menu structure. It also functions as a Light-emitting Diode that offer users with a clear indicator of block status, permitting them to effortlessly monitor the device's performance in real-time.


What’s more, these are designed with flexibility in mind, providing numerous setup to enable for customization according to particular application requirements. Users can select from a variety of input/output configurations, which might be in conjunction with temperature sensors, relays, as well as other accessories to create a comprehensive signal processing solution.


If you are looking for a reliable, durable, and versatile solution to your commercial system, Premier Cable's Sensor Transducer Interface Junction Blocks would be the perfect option. They provide exemplary signal processing capabilities, robust construction, simple installation, and flexibility, all in one compact package. Along with the Premier Cable's quality assurance, you can be confident that these junction blocks will provide you with dependable and consistent years of gratification.
