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RJ45 приклучок за микрофон за радио UHF

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Premier Cable is proud to introduce our item  latest, the RJ45 Microphone Socket Outlet for UHF Radio. This innovation  brand new developed to offer radio operators having a dependable and durable interaction system that fulfills their requirements. The RJ45 Microphone Socket Outlet guarantees get to be the item  go-to several UHF radio communications which consists of top-quality features and simplicity.

Created from top-quality materials, this microphone socket can withstand probably the most challenging of surroundings. Its sturdy construction and dependable performance allow that it is perfect for the armed forces, protection forces, along with other companies that are looking a interaction system  dependable. The RJ45 Microphone Socket Outlet for UHF Radio is perfect for interior or use  outside rendering it an ideal solution for the choice of application situations.

Among the many key top features of this  system is its set-up  simple and easy procedure. With clear directions included, the RJ45 Microphone Socket Outlet for UHF Radio is set up in no time  right making you be with a growth of the time for you personally concentrate on your operations.  A locking is had by it  durable that stops unneeded unplugging and means that the cables remain protected while they’re in use.

The merchandise supports a variety  wide of radios and may also be properly used insurance firms a true number of numerous cables. It is ideal for all the radio  leading and supports both solitary and radio  dual-channel, making it appropriate many applications. The RJ45 Microphone Socket Outlet for UHF Radio provides dependable and signal  strong that guarantees uninterrupted interaction in the midst of your group.

Beautifully made with simpleness in your mind, this system is very easy to use. It features a definite and user interface  user-friendly makes it simple to yet work even in stressful circumstances. The microphone socket socket features an RJ45 connector that delivers a connection and secure  dependable the microphone in addition to the radio device. The connector can additionally be designed to withstand a great amount of use, which guarantees something life  durable.





  • This RJ45 pass through connector allows for a remote microphone or LAN connection fitted with an RJ45 connector to be integrated directly into a range of OEM switch blank locations.

  • Simply plug the Microphone link cable into the back of this socket and connect your UHF microphone to the front

  • Gives you a clean finish to any install and allows you to store your UHF microphone away when it’s not required

  • RJ45 female on both sides. When using with Uniden and Oricom radios, you'll need a CAT5 patch lead to link the unit at the rear.





Product name: UHF Radio Microphone RJ45 Pass Through Connector

Hole size diameter : 22mm
Panel thickness from 1mm - 12mmv Flush mount






Universal RJ45 UHF Pass Through Adapter for Car Boat Marine 4x4 Radio

Universal Round Flush Mount RJ45 UHF Microphone Socket

RJ45 Universal UHF Radio Remote Microphone Socket



Premier Cable Co. е водечки производител на кабли, жичани појаси и потсклопови во широк спектар на индустрии кои исполнуваат различни светски стандарди со 400 вработени. Силно веруваме дека квалитетот е единствениот начин да се преживее. За да обезбедиме ефикасни и ефективни квалитетни имплементации, ние постојано го подобруваме нашиот систем за управување со квалитет и имаме строга контрола на квалитетот во секој производствен процес. Ова има за цел да гарантира дека нашите производи ги исполнуваат или надминуваат барањата на клиентите. Ние исто така правиме прилагодени кабли за да ги задоволиме потребите на нашите клиенти.

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