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NMEA2000 и сензорски кабел

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NMEA2000 конектор CAN Терминатор

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Профил на компанијата
Основана во Донг Гуан во 2003 година, Premier Cable поседува околу 350 работници, на површина од 9000 mm, со 10 модерни производни линии и годишниот производствен капацитет е околу 12 милиони парчиња кабли.

Ние сме сертифицирана компанија со NMEA 2000 Connectors and Cables којашто гради решенија за поврзани чамци. Ние произведуваме NMEA кабли и NMEA T cross за инсталации. NMEA 2000 Drop Cable, NMEA T конектор, NMEA Wireable Connector, NEMA T-cross, NMEA back bone, NMEA 2000 resister and NMEA terminator ...За да видите повеќе
сликите на производите
NMEA2000 Connector CAN Terminator details
NMEA2000 Connector CAN Terminator factory
NMEA2000 Connector CAN Terminator factory
NMEA2000 Connector CAN Terminator supplier
Краток опис за производот

NMEA2000 конектор CAN Терминатор
NMEA 2000 Network Terminator NMEA2000 Terminating Resistor NMEA2000 Terminator NMEA 2000 N2K Termination Resistor M12 IP67 Waterproof for Garmin Networks Backbone Cable Terminator for Lowrance Network NMEA2000 Terminator for Lowrance Network Marine NMEA 2000 Terminator 120 Ohm NMEA 2000 Micro Termination Resistor NMEA 2000 Male Termination Resistor NMEA2000 Backbone Terminators Suitable for NMEA 2000 networks, for Lowrance networks, for Simrad networks, for B and G networks, for Navico networks, for Garmin networks. MEA 2000 T-type tap Micro or Mini type T-type adapter is mainly used in the increase and connection of NMEA 2000 communication network electronic equipment It is suitable for the two-way connection of communication and control between the main line and the branch line , is one of the most critical connectors for on-site communication and control networks of ships or yachts. NMEA 2000 termination resistor NMEA 2000 M12 or 7/8 inch connector termination resistor, usually a 120 ohm resistor is integrally formed inside the connector, and installed or applied to the end of the NMEA 2000 line. Used to absorb reflected waves on the network, effectively enhancing signal strength. Because the signal suddenly encounters little or no cable impedance at the end of the transmission line, that is, the impedance is discontinuous, the signal will cause reflections at this place. Premier Cable CO LTD design and manufacture open standard cables, cable assemblies, connectors, terminations and power products supporting NMEA 2000 systems. NMEA 2000 is a low-cost data network operating at 250 Kbps using a Controller Area Network CAN Integrated Circuit . It allows multiple electronic devices to be connected together on a common channel to easily share information. NMEA 2000 cables and connectors come in two styles: Mini-Change (7/8) for thick backbones and Micro-Change (M12) for thin backbones.
