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NMEA2000 и сензорски кабел

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NMEA Serial USB Adapter Cable

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Профил на компанијата
Основана во Донг Гуан во 2003 година, Premier Cable поседува околу 350 работници, на површина од 9000 mm, со 10 модерни производни линии и годишниот производствен капацитет е околу 12 милиони парчиња кабли.

Ние сме сертифицирана компанија со NMEA 2000 Connectors and Cables којашто гради решенија за поврзани чамци. Ние произведуваме NMEA кабли и NMEA T cross за инсталации. NMEA 2000 Drop Cable, NMEA T конектор, NMEA Wireable Connector, NEMA T-cross, NMEA back bone, NMEA 2000 resister and NMEA terminator ...За да видите повеќе
сликите на производите
NMEA Serial USB Adapter Cable manufacture
NMEA Serial USB Adapter Cable factory
NMEA Serial USB Adapter Cable manufacture
NMEA Serial USB Adapter Cable factory
Краток опис за производот

USB NMEA Serial Adapter Cable USB NMEA 0183 serial Cable USB to NMEA2000 Serial Cable NMEA 0183 Serial to USB Cable USB to NMEA0183 adapter cable Adapter cable for connecting conventional NMEA0183 devices to a computer. Description USB NMEA 0183 serial FTDI USB to RS485 Adapter Serial Converter Module Cable With LED Compatible for USB to RS485/RS422 Support for All Windows Android Linux Vista usb nmea 0183 The USB to RS485 data cable is a serial UART converter cable . The USB to serial UART interface IC device can handle all the USB signalling and protocols. usb nm USB to Serial converter cable can be used for interfacing NMEA 0183 to marine equipment. This cable can transmit and receive marine NMEA0183 type data With this USB to NMEA0183 adapter cable, NMEA0183 data can be transferred to your computer in a simple way. This data can be displayed with a compatible navigation software (not included). The adapter also allows NMEA0183 to send data from your computer to a NMEA0183 capable device (bidirectional communication).