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NMEA2000 и сензорски кабел

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Вграден терминатор NMEA 2000, отпорник за завршување

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Профил на компанијата
Основана во Донг Гуан во 2003 година, Premier Cable поседува околу 350 работници, на површина од 9000 mm, со 10 модерни производни линии и годишниот производствен капацитет е околу 12 милиони парчиња кабли.

Ние сме сертифицирана компанија со NMEA 2000 Connectors and Cables којашто гради решенија за поврзани чамци. Ние произведуваме NMEA кабли и NMEA T cross за инсталации. NMEA 2000 Drop Cable, NMEA T конектор, NMEA Wireable Connector, NEMA T-cross, NMEA back bone, NMEA 2000 resister and NMEA terminator ...За да видите повеќе
сликите на производите
NMEA 2000 Inline Terminator, Termination Resistor manufacture
NMEA 2000 Inline Terminator, Termination Resistor supplier
NMEA 2000 Inline Terminator, Termination Resistor supplier
NMEA 2000 Inline Terminator, Termination Resistor details
Every NMEA 2000 network requires two terminating resistors, one at each end of the trunk. Typically, male terminals are used because the male pins tend to point toward the power source. If the genders are reversed, female termination resistors may be required. Inline terminators are used where the network terminates at the product, such as a GPS or weather station at the top of a mast. • Screw terminal connector for positive connection • Terminating resistors are used to terminate both ends of the trunk line NMEA 2000 is a low-cost data network that operates at 250 Kbps and utilizes controller area network integrated circuits It allows multiple electronic devices to be connected together on a common channel to easily share information Inline terminators connect trunk and drop cables while still maintaining proper termination at the end of the network Use our inline terminators between backbone cables and compatible equipment to properly terminate your network. These terminators replace tees and resistors with one part, ideal for saving money and space.
