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NMEA2000 и сензорски кабел

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Мини Micro NMEA2K Tee конектор

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Профил на компанијата
Основана во Донг Гуан во 2003 година, Premier Cable поседува околу 350 работници, на површина од 9000 mm, со 10 модерни производни линии и годишниот производствен капацитет е околу 12 милиони парчиња кабли.

Ние сме сертифицирана компанија со NMEA 2000 Connectors and Cables којашто гради решенија за поврзани чамци. Ние произведуваме NMEA кабли и NMEA T cross за инсталации. NMEA 2000 Drop Cable, NMEA T конектор, NMEA Wireable Connector, NEMA T-cross, NMEA back bone, NMEA 2000 resister and NMEA terminator ...За да видите повеќе
сликите на производите
Mini Micro NMEA2K Tee connector manufacture
Mini Micro NMEA2K Tee connector manufacture
Premier Cable NMEA 2000 Micro drop line to Mini trunk Tee connector A Tee is used to tap into the trunk line for adding a drop connection. A Mini/Micro Tee has Mini connectors for the trunk lines and a Micro connector for the drop line. Waterproof Meets NMEA 2000 specifications Screw thread connectors to prevent disconnects Use a Tee to connect devices to the trunk line Mini/Micro connects Micro drop line to Mini trunk A Tee is used to add a drop connection by tapping into the trunk line. Tees can be mated with all other devices on the network of the same connector style. Tees feature one male and one female connector for the trunk line, and a female connector on the bottom for the drop line. Mini/Micro Tee has Mini connectors for the trunk lines and a Micro connector for the drop line. Meets NMEA 2000 specifications.