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Кружен конектор M12 Micro-C сплитер Т-приклучок

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Профил на компанијата
нашата фабрика
Основана во Донг Гуан во 2003 година, Premier Cable поседува околу 350 работници, на површина од 9000 ㎡

Наш производ
Нашиот производ опфаќа AISG кабел, аудио кабел, видео кабел, кабел за поврзување со камера, FTDI кабел, IP67 кабел, кабел за монтирање на панел, USB кабел

Примена на производот
Телекомуникациски Индустриски - Електроника - Глас - Податоци - Безжична

Опремата за производство
Високофреквентна машина за заварување, USB автоматско заварување, USB3.1 Haba машина за заварување, машина за ласерско заварување, машина за ласерско сечење, тестер за циклус на температура и влажност, тестер за прскање сол, SGS машина за тестирање, тестер на сила за вметнување конектор, мрежен анализатор, IP67 водоотпорен тестер.

нашите услуги
Premier Cable ги зема технолошките иновации како развојен концепт и нагласува „Квалитетот на прво место, супер услугата“ како задоволство на клиентите. Во исто време, учиме и од одличните претпријатија во оваа индустрија, ја проучуваме нивната сила и ги подобруваме нашите слабости, бараме развој во конкуренција и бараме можности во предизвиците.
Опис на производот
M12 T parallel distributor for CAN/ DeviceNet cabling T-connector M12 as parallel distributor for DeviceNet and CANopen in robust design IP65/IP67 What are the benefits of distribution blocks ?The main benefit is that a sensor junction block is a more efficient way of supplying power to various devices. Without the need for separate wiring in each device, you will have a much simpler, cleaner system – one that requires only one large wire on the input side. This wire links each of the connected devices to the power source. Another reason to use them is that they can isolate a short-circuit incident, preventing a full shutdown. And if you have a remote sensor block, you have the additional benefit of being able to relocate multiple sensors away from the interference of direct heat and vibration.
Circular Connector M12 Micro-C Splitter T-connector supplier
Circular Connector M12 Micro-C Splitter T-connector supplier
Circular Connector M12 Micro-C Splitter T-connector manufacture
Circular Connector M12 Micro-C Splitter T-connector manufacture
Место на потекло
Гуангдонг, Кина
Име на производот
Circular Connector M12 Micro-C splitter T-connector
Трговски марки
Начин на плаќање
T / T

Launching, the Circular Connector M12 Micro-C Splitter T-connector, proudly brought to you by Premier Cable. This revolutionary and versatile product will allow you to divide an existing M12 connection without having to eliminate or impact the original connectors by any means.


Created using supreme quality materials, is durable and dependable, ensuring a secure and consistent time connection. Its compact size makes it be suitable for a selection of applications, from industrial machinery to automotive systems.


It is effortless to install, having a plug-and-play simple design. It features a male m12 connector on one end, and a lady M12 on the other, and a lady M12 Micro-C in the centre. This enables you to easily link multiple products to a single M12 port, expanding the capabilities of your gear and increasing effectiveness.


One of the great things about this is its opposition to water, vibration and dirt. Its IP68 rating ensures protection against water ingress, making it perfect for use within harsh surroundings. Its tough construction enables to withstand high quantities of vibration without compromising the security of the connection, which makes it a dependable choice for a variety of industrial applications.


While using this, you can easily produce custom cable that can meet your unique needs. It allows you to branch your M12 connection, producing two separate paths from a solitary cable. This allows you to link more products, without having to run additional cables saving you time and money.


When it comes to connectivity solutions, Premier Cable is a trusted brand that delivers revolutionary, good quality products and services. The Circular Connector M12 Micro-C Splitter T-connector is no exclusion. Its superior performance allows it to be an exemplary choice for a number of applications.
