ATX Molex Micro Fit приклучок со 4 пински од машко до машко напојувачки кабел за напојување
Конектор А
Micro-Fit 3.0 Receptacle
Конектор Б
Micro-Fit 3.0 Receptacle
Големина на жица AWG
22 AWG
Должина на кабел
2 м
Боја на кабелот
Operating Temperature Min.
-40 ° C
Operating Temperature Max.
105 ° С
245132 Micro-Fit 3.0
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 0.5m length, 2 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 1.0m length, 2 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 2.0m length, 2 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 0.5m length, 4 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 1.0m length, 4 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 2.0m length, 4 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 3.0m length, 4 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 5.0m length, 4 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 Off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 0.5m length, 6 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 1.0m length, 6 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 2.0m length, 6 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 0.5m length, 8 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 1.0m length, 8 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 2.0m length, 8 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 1.0m length, 10 circuits, black
Micro-fit 3.0 to micro-fit 3.0 off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 2.0m length, 10 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 0.5m length, 2 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 1.0m length, 2 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 2.0m length, 2 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 0.5m length, 4 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 1.0m length, 4 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 2.0m length, 4 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row, 0.5m length, 6 circuits, black
Mini-fit JR to mini-fit JR off-the-shelf (OTS) cable assembly, dual row

Информации за претпријатието
Premier Cable Co. е водечки производител на кабли, жичани појаси и потсклопови во широк спектар на индустрии што ги исполнува различните светски стандарди со 400 вработени. Силно веруваме дека квалитетот е единствениот начин да се преживее. За да обезбедиме ефикасни и ефективни квалитетни имплементации, ние постојано го подобруваме нашиот систем за управување со квалитет и имаме строга контрола на квалитетот во секој производствен процес. Ова има за цел да гарантира дека нашите производи ги исполнуваат или надминуваат барањата на клиентите. Ние исто така правиме прилагодени кабли за да ги задоволиме потребите на нашите клиенти.
Ние ги опслужуваме следните индустрии со нашите кабли:
Voice Data Wireless Industrial
Медицинска безбедност електроника Телеком
Gaming Aerospace Military Aeronautics