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USB-RS485-WE FTDI सीरियल संचार केबल भारत

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The USB-RS485-WE FTDI Serial Communication Cable is designed to facilitate reliable data transmission and seamless communication between different equipment. It features a wire-end (WE) configuration, allowing for custom wiring connections, and making it versatile for different setups. It supports plug-and-play functionality, eliminating the need for additional drivers. Suitable for industrial automation, data acquisition, and control systems, the USB-RS485-WE USB to RS485 Cable ensures high-speed communication while maintaining high performance in demanding environments. Premier Cable P/N: PCM-FDZ-485-WE


प्रकार USB से RS232 485 422 कनवर्टर
उत्पाद का नाम USB-RS485-WE FTDI सीरियल संचार केबल
डीडब्ल्यूजी संख्या पीसीएम-एफडीजेड-485-डब्लूई
योजक यूएसबी-ए पुरुष
चिप्स एफटीडीआई FT232R+SP485
रंग हरा
केबल व्यास 5.0 ± 0.1mm
केबल लंबाई 1800mm
तार UL2464 24AWG(7/0.16TC)*6C+Aluminium Foil
जैकेट सामग्री पीवीसी
बाहर पिन A+, B-, GND, VCC, 120R*2
Heat Shrink Tube Dimensions ∅5.0*10मिमी
Stripped Wire Length TIN3±0.5mm




USB-RS485-WE FTDI Serial Communication Cable details
